New Thinking in Economics & Finance

3 December 2020 Sheri Markose gives Keynote Talk On the Digital Foundations of Intelligence: How We Became Smart and Protean at

Our Core Features

New Models for Economics

Granularity, Interconnectedness & Complexity

Agent Based Simulations and Applications of AI

Computational Macro Economics, Computational Micro Economics

Database Driven Models

Big Data & Bilateral Who-Whom Data

Real Time systems & Electronic Markets

London Electronic Trading Systems, Artificial Stock Markets

Our Projects

Inter-Country Macronet Models

Systemic Risk from Financial Derivatives

Population Scale UK CBDC Adoption

Computational Market Microstructure

Agent Based Simulators

Green Transport and Smart Infrastructure

Next Generation Electronic Simulators for London SETS (NGETS)

Markets as Complex Adaptive Systems

Extreme Financial Events Modelling

Financial Inclusion

More Features

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Some of our Connections
Meet our Group

Prof.Sheri Markose

Professor of Economics

Sheri’s Collaborators

What they say about us

2017 Eubank Prize by the Rice University , Houston , USA

2017 Eubank Prize

Sheri published paper on How Digital Agents Innovate

American Institute of Mathematical Sciences


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